new work

Posted: 5.03.2010 | | Labels: 0 comments

three exhibtions

Posted: 4.29.2010 | | Labels: , 0 comments

I've got work in three different exhibitions from last week to this week!
First is the Voertman's Annual Juried show in the UNT Art Gallery, in which I have one piece ('creepin.')

Next is my BFA exhibition, which is in a space shared with Johnny Perez who is also having his BFA exhibition. I made the card for the show.

And finally is the end-of-semester Watercolor exhibit 'Degrees of Separation' in the Cora Stafford Gallery. It's my last Watercolor show before I graduate so I got a whole wall to myself.

sketchbook stuffs

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free speech

Posted: 4.12.2010 | | Labels: 1 comments

characters poster

Posted: 4.11.2010 | | Labels: , , 0 comments

This is a poster i did a year ago but i forgot i had these pictures. So anyway here it is. Click here to see the finished poster full-size.